Tickets to the Devil by Richard Powell (1968)


"Tickets to the Devil" is a satirical novel by Richard Powell. Published in 1959, it follows the protagonist, Peter Greer, who unexpectedly finds himself dealing with the devil, Mr. Lucius Adonis. The story unfolds as Greer navigates a series of darkly comedic and surreal encounters, including a literal ticket to Hell. The novel blends humor with moral exploration, offering a unique take on the consequences of temptation and the choices individuals make in their lives. Powell's work explores themes of morality, ambition, and the consequences of making deals with the devil in an engaging and thought-provoking manner.

Hardcover in good condition. No dust jacket if there was one. Cover boards and spine are solid and intact. Interior pages are clean and free of marks. Published in 1968 by Charles Scribner’s Sons.

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